Written by Noah Sredojevic, Massage Therapist.
Meet Noah! Noah is our soccer superstar and massage therapist at Inspire Health.
Soccer and golf have always been on the top of Noah's list of favourite sports and he currently plays for Division 1 for Albury City. With this love of sport, Noah has a passion for treating others to advance in their chosen sport. Through sports massage, he aims to help athletes prior, during and post training or competitions.
In this blog, Noah explains more about sports massage and how it can benefit athletes.
Sports Massage
What is sports massage?
Sports massage is aimed to help athletes prior, during and post training or competitions. It is
specifically tailored to the athlete and their sport. Is not a relaxing form of treatment and can
often be quite strenuous. It works by stretching muscles that display tension, stimulating
muscles that have been inactive for a while and it improves the condition of the soft tissues.
What are the benefits of Sports massage?
Sports massage aims to reduce the tension and stress present in the soft tissues of the body
built up from exercise. In doing so, treatment allows for benefits such as an increase in
muscular endurance, improved muscular performance, reduced chance of injuries and a
reduction in recovery time after an injury.
What does a sports massage involve?
Before your therapist begins treatment, they will run a pre-screening which involves a variety of
questions that will help the therapist gain a better understanding of your physical condition and
health and will allow for them to tailor the treatment to best suit your condition. Once they have
a firm understanding of your condition they will lay you on the table and cover you with a towel
to protect your privacy and keep you warm. Once treatment starts, most therapists will use a
lubricant of oil or cream to allow for smoothness in massage strokes. Therapists will use a
variety of massage techniques such as soft tissue release, neuromuscular technique, positional
release and fascial release.