Written by Myotherapist, Christian Trebley
Dry needling is a pain-free method for improving acute or chronic painful conditions, It is a science-based treatment which uses ultra-thin needles to stimulate trigger points in muscle tissues, provoking their faster healing.
Dry needling stimulates your body’s natural capacity to heal and therefore you may feel some temporary pain, discomfort or tiredness when you begin treatments.
The benefits of dry needling are;
Dry needling provides relief to the fascial tissue either in a single muscle or multiple muscle groups and helps reduce myofascial, muscular pain, inflammation, and stiffness.
Dry needling stimulates the healing reaction, which helps the muscle become more flexible and helps improve range of motion.
Increases blood flow, blood vessel movement and oxygenation to the injury site.
The electrical signals generated by the insertion of the needle stimulate the neural system and the fascia (tissue linking all muscles and tissue in the body), releasing endorphins and other pain-relieving chemicals.
DNT treatments are used in a variety of musculoskeletal issues, including headaches, neck pain, low-back pain, shoulder impingement, tennis elbow, tendinopathy, runners knee, and plantar fasciitis.
DNT works well with manual muscle therapy, fascial work, cupping, muscle energy techniques and joint mobilisation techniques.
Targets both chronic and acute pain.
When coupled with electro-muscle stimulation, dry needling targets the precise trigger points.
