Magnesium Float Therapy
DreamPod Float Tank

The First DreamPod Float Tank
in Albury-Wodonga
Zero-gravity Float Therapy @ Inspire Health Albury
In the modern world, we live in today, we are constantly bombarded by sensory input in our lives which causes stress and exhaustion.
Magnesium Float Therapy was designed to decrease sensory stimulation to enhance the body's natural state of relaxation.
What is Magnesium Float Therapy?
Magnesium Float Therapy incorporates the science of sensory deprivation known as Restricted Environmental Stimulation Therapy (REST). REST in a float tank has shown a transition from alpha or beta brainwaves to theta, which would ordinarily only occur before sleep and waking. In a flotation tank, theta brain waves occur whilst the user is fully conscious. For many users, this allows for great creativity and problem-solving.
There is also evidence of physical benefits including reduced blood pressure, cortisol (the stress hormone), and improvements to blood flow. REST is also used by many athletes who claim enhanced recovery and performance.
What happens during a Magnesium Float Therapy Session?
During a Magnesium Float Therapy Session, you lay in our DreamPod Float Tank which is filled with water and 500kg of Epsom Salts. Due to the high concentration of Epsom Salts, you literally float in the water without the active involvement of your body. This allows your body to feel weightless whilst you are buoyant in the water.
You should allow 75 minutes for your float tank therapy appointment. 5 minutes for a pre-float shower, 60-minute float therapy, 10 minutes for post-float changing, and shower. We provide all that you need for your floatation experience, including shampoo, conditioner, shower gel, earplugs, and use of a hairdryer.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is there anything I should do to prepare?
Don’t drink coffee for several hours beforehand (it can make your system jittery). Also, don’t shave or wax since the salt water can irritate your skin. Eating a light meal about an hour to 90 minutes ahead of time keeps hunger at bay. Other than that, there’s no specific preparation needed.
Are the Tanks and water clean?
Yes. Cleanliness, comfort, and privacy are our highest priorities and something that won’t get in the way of you having a great float.
The water is 40% Epsom salt (no pathogenic organisms can survive salt concentrations higher than 10%). This means our float tanks are extremely sanitary and probably one of the cleanest environments you’ll ever be in.
In addition, all water passes through a filter (100 times smaller than a human hair) before your float. We also use UV light and non-toxic disinfectants to kill any bacteria in the tanks.
Can I float if I’m claustrophobic?
Being in the tanks is more like floating in outer space than being shut in a box. You’re always in control of your environment, and even people with extreme claustrophobia have reported having no problems with their time in the tank. You can float with the door open until you feel comfortable enough to close the door so the fun can begin.
Is it dangerous if I fall asleep?
It's possible you may fall asleep. However, the buoyancy of the water makes sinking and unwillingly flipping over onto your stomach an impossibility. People often think they have fallen asleep when they actually didn't — really it’s the relaxed Theta state that your brain goes in to.
Can I float if I am pregnant?
Yes, there is even a special position you can float in that relieves all of the weight of the baby off of the mother’s body. If you are in your third trimester or have any concerns, please consult with your doctor before coming in.
Can more than one person float at a time?
Solo float sessions only. However, we do recommend scheduling your floats simultaneously with your companion so that you leave the studio on the ‘same level’ so to speak.
What should I bring?
We provide everything you need to have a great float, including towels, earplugs, body wash, and shampoo. Most people prefer to float naked but if you’d really prefer to wear swimwear, you may. If you wear contact lenses you may want to bring a case and solution to put them in. It's much easier to wash saltwater out of your eyes if your contacts aren't in.
Do I have my own private room?
Yes, you have your own private room equipped with your own personal walk-in shower, which you’ll use before and after your float. You also have your own changing area.
Is there sufficient air supply?
Yes. The tank is designed not to be airtight, so there is plentiful air supply. In addition, fresh air is brought in by an air circulation system.
Can I float if I’ve just dyed my hair?
We recommend that you delay your float until the water running through your hair in the shower at home is fully clear.